Meanwhile, WW3 May Be Brewing While We’re Distracted by Brandon Turbeville for The Organic Prepper
Those who are paying close attention to the pandemic may have missed that another potential killer is brewing across the ocean. In Syria today, there is the real and looming threat of a third world war. Not only is Syria fighting Western-backed terrorists on its territory, there are many more players involved on Syrian soil – from the Russians and Iranians to the Americans, Turks, and Israelis and, with the recent Turkish actions, all of those players could very well come to blows.
It’s well-known to geopolitical scholars that the world is already in global conflict. With the United States, NATO, Israel, EU, and the Gulf States loosely united against the “multi-polar” world of Russia, China, Iran and a growing host of “target” nations that prefer the carrot over the stick, the globe is already in a quiet world war, though the major powers have yet to publicly declare it on one another. As it stands currently, the global conflict is more akin to the Cold War where color revolutions and proxy wars are the order of the day. However, the quiet war can only remain quiet for so long, until one side begins to see that it is the inevitable loser. Then the quiet war becomes loud.
When the Western powers initiated the war against Syria in 2011, it was largely expected and intended to go the way of the Libyan disaster that just ended. However, with the unity of Syrian culture, Syrian government leadership and, most importantly, Russia entering into the war on the side of the Syrian government, the quick destruction of the Syrian state has resulted in a nine year war that has seen Syria turn the tide on the largest and most effective military state in the world.
But while Syria has been defeating Western backed terrorists on its own territory, there are a number of players now involved in the country that could very well find themselves in direct confrontation with one another, leading their proxy forces into a larger much more destructive and global war.
Summation of events
After having dispatched troops to the terrorist haven of Idlib, Syria as the Syrian military engaged in a massive push to liberate the region. Turkey has since come to the rescue of the embattled terrorists, launching drone attacks, airstrikes, and ground forces into Syrian territory.
Turkey established a number of “observation points,” that the Syrian military, during the process of liberation early on in the Battle of Idlib, surrounded. The Syrian military did not disturb these posts or harm any Turkish soldiers.
However, that all changed when the Syrian and Russian air forces began bombing terrorist targets. Those airstrikes killed a number of Turkish soldiers who had been embedded with terrorist groups. Turkey then played victim and Erdogan sent more Turkish soldiers and engaged in airstrikes against the Syrian military. Later, another Syrian airstrikes killed yet more Turkish soldiers who were also embedded with terrorists, resulting in a forceful Turkish response of drone attacks and airstrikes and the further progression of Turkish troops onto Syrian soil.
Syria managed to shoot down a number of Turkish drones but other airstrikes have since avoided hits from the Syrian air defenses.
Israel has also stepped up its attacks on Syria, claiming to be targeting “Iranian” assets but really attacking forces assisting Syria in the fight against terrorism. In fact, Israel recently announced that it has a plan to remove Iran from Syria in the next 12 months.
Thus, with Turkey attacking from the North and Israel attacking from the Southwest and, of course, the American troop presence in the Northeast, Syria is now facing a “multi-front war.”